Flash and Prep Cjromatography

Flash column chromatography is a quick and easy way to separate complex mixtures of compounds. Initially developed in 1978 by W.C. Stills of Columbia University, flash chromatography is now a popular method of purification and separation using a diversity of stationary phases in Flash Columns, state-of-the-art detectors and adapted solvent gradient pumps.

Preparative chromatography is a quick and easy way to separate more complex mixtures and compounds using higher pressures than flash chromatography and adapted columns.

At Labquip we supply the Interchim puriFlash range of instruments.

puriFlash® Generation 5

These Best-In-Class instruments are fully designed to make your purification easier, intuitive & productive.

Compact and Technological

The “Reduced Sphere of Use” improves the ergonomics of the workstation. The productivity of the working space is greatly amplified by including many integrated technologies (DEDL, UV, leak detector) in such a small footprint.

In addition, you can choose a bench-top installation of the instrument. The integrated “Fume Enclosure” feature safely optimizes the management of your workspace leaving your fume-hood free for chemistry.Versatile in terms of applications, the fine-tuning of the detection technologies employed guarantees maximum purification yield without loss of product.

Reliable and Safe

Run the unit 24/7 with confidence. A minimum of after sales service is required without any hidden costs.Focus on the job in hand, knowing that the best purification possible is being achieved.Know that there is no risk of product loss, thanks to the complete monitoring of the system through sensors, the management of overpressure and pauses.The devices will be available full time and long term for purification.

InterSoft® X software

Keep Intelligence Simple & Smart. The unit’s Best-In-Class software design makes the chemist´s life much easier.It is easily accessible to multi-profile users with a minimum of training.


Your personal Artificial Intelligence is embedded in InterSoft® X to generate the best ecological purification available today.

Run the method safely & ensure that your products are pure!

A unique feature – the unit’s Solvent Heater controls & regulates temperature.

Regulate and control the temperature of the mobile phase.

Considerably reduce the duration of your purifications.

Increase your workflow by decreasing the viscosity of your solvents with heating.

Save time with every purification.

Reproducible results – time after time

You can also be confident in the reproducibility of purification methods in each environment and their site-to-site transfer. This feature also eliminates environmental variations and enhances efficiency, detection limit, purity, and fraction collection.

If you have any questions or need further information, then please contact us at labquip@labquip.ie
