Analytical Balances
Labquip supplies and supports Gibertini balances into laboratories across Ireland. The company founder – Gisberto Gilbertini – is credited with creating the world’s first hydrostatic balance; the invention that launched the family business in 1950’s Milan, Italy.
The Gibertini range offers you accurate, affordable, and reliable measuring equipment. The equipment is manufactured in Italy to high European standards. All Gibertini balances are made with a unique antishock system that allows them to be used in harsh environments and without the use of specialised staff.

Figure 1: Shows that in the Gilbertini balance, the load cell has four springs to absorb the external shocks. In other balances, the plate is typically mounted directly to the load cell, and external shocks can often damage the device’s measuring capabilities.
The Gilbertini Range offers the following products:
- Calibrated masses and set of weights with EA legal certificate
- Digital tensiometer
- High precision scales and piece-counting balance
- Magnetic compensation analytical balance with an optional to get European Metrologic approved version
- Microbalance
- Moisture balance
- Load cell technical balances
- Platinum Wilhelmy plate or Platinum Du Nouy ring
- Floater calibrated in weight / volume and double wall cylinder for density measurement (range of measure for the density: 0.5 ÷ 2.25 g/cm3, readability: 0,00005 g/cm3 and reproducibility: ±0,00005 g/cm3)
- SCP II Software for production control according to regulation 690/78 (reduced sampling)
Please get in touch to discuss all your laboratory weighing and measuring needs with us at Labquip.