X-Ray Diffraction
Plan, Measure & Analyse with Bruker XRD
Bruker’s cutting edge and reliable X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) is the most direct and efficient way to quantitatively examine samples for chemical composition and crystalline structure. At Labquip, we supply a range of XRD systems depending on your application. The most popular model of XRD is D2 Phaser, a compact all-in-one benchtop XRD for quick analysis in R&D or quality control (QC).

Bruker D2 PHASER open and closed view
This Plug‘n Analyse desktop XRD requires minimal installation and is 450 times faster analysis than a standard 0D detector system. It is lightweight with a small footprint, a perfect addition to your laboratory characterisation techniques.
The D2 Phaser offers superior resolution as well as low-angle and low-background; the instrument is the perfect solution for phase identification, quantitative phase analysis, up to crystal structure analysis. Bruker guarantees an unparalleled instrument alignment equal or better than ±0.02° 2θ over the entire angular range. The sample is always horizontal
The key features of the D2 PHASER are:
- Ease-of-use with push of the button mode for beginners and full flexibility for advanced users.
- Single or 6-position rotating sample stage.
- Unique choice of detectors, SSD160-2 1D (160 Channels), LYNXEYE-2 1D (Ultra-fast) and LYNXEYE XE-T 1D (Ultra-Sensitive & Energy Dispersive) compound silicon strip detector to collect high quality data with unprecedented speed and DIFFRAC. SUITE software allows measurement & analysis.
- Low cost-of-operation and maintenance due to the virtually infinite tube lifetime, no water consumption and no detector gas due to silicon strip detector.
- Integrated PC and a flat screen monitor.
- 21 CFR Part 11 compliant

To increase XRD analysis capacity with the addition of the six-position sample changer and the different sample holders for every specimen type
XRD Sample Preparation & Handling
The sample preparation for powder XRD is quick and easy to learn. The milling and pressing of a sample take less than 5 minutes per sample. The sample size is approximately one cubic centimetre (minimum) of material with circa 10 microns average grain size to allow for statistically relevant sampling. If the sample size is a challenge, Bruker offers a wide range of sample holders to make the analysis more manageable and accurate.
Depending on your volume of samples, there are plenty of loading options from single position sample holders to high sample throughput (HST) for the Pharmaceutical Industry (21 CFR Part 11 compliant). There are also ten turn-key methods for the analysis of construction materials like cement available.
Labquip offers remote technical consultative demonstrations on your samples with the support of the Coventry Application Laboratory. Please get in touch to discuss your application, and feel free to download application notes for your application by clicking on the icons below: