Computed Tomography Metrology 2.0

CT metrology allows the full metrology of both inner & external details according to & exceeding the CT metrology standard
Computed tomography (CT) scanning produces full 3D representations of the scanned part non-destructively. X-rays are directed at parts or assemblies to capture precise images of all internal and external components onto a digital detector. Recently launched metrology 2.0 adds extra precision to CT with full dimensional control. Particularly attractive on additive manufactured parts (3D printed) due to their complex geometry and uneven surface finish. CT adds thousands of measurement points along with internal & external measurements over traditional methods.
The renowned image quality of phoenix CT systems and the addition of metrology 2.0 results in 3D reconstructions exceeding customer expectations. Image quality is as result of stable granite bases, Waygate Technologies manufactured x-ray tubes (nano & micro focus) and GE image detectors precisely manufactured for non-destructive testing with propriety innovations.
The accuracy of the scanned object is always paramount with phoenix CT systems. This radiographic knowledge has and is proving to be very beneficial when additional calibrations and high precision metrology mapping is added to systems.
CT metrology allows the full metrology of both inner and external detail according to and exceeding the CT metrology standard in all positions of the part scanned. The current and only metrology standard for CT is VDI2630 with phoenix CT systems achieving leading 3.8µm +L/100 as per standard (2 positions) and guaranteeing 5.5µm +L/100 in all positions.
CT metrology is playing an important role on additive manufactured parts as the complex geometry of additive manufactured parts are very suitable for computed tomography metrology. Phoenix CT metrology offer reliable solutions for the following:
- High volume production inspection
- Quality control batch testing
- Metrology laboratories testing
- Materials research
- Research & development
We would be happy to look at your CT metrology requirements, please feel free to contact Labquip CT metrology sales.