Kills over 99.99% of pathogens
Reduce the time to disinfect
Assurance for staff and visitors/customers
Does not damage materials in the room
Complete decontamination (99.9%)
Reduce the possibility of human error
Cost effective UV-C disinfection robots

Fast disinfection. Single placement. Large spaces. Healthcare & high-end applications.

Single placement disinfection. Medium & small spaces.

Multiple placement. Large, medium & small spaces.
Get back to work with
Business and public organisations are exposed to a continued interruption of their operations due to the existing and future pandemics. SpeedyCare™ UV family of disinfection robots can help to minimize the risk of employees and customers to unnecessary infections.
Public and crowded workspaces remain especially vulnerable to a rapid virus spread, so organisations are responsible for providing a more safe and secure environment. UV-C a scientifically proven technology that inactivates the ability of virus to infect and reproduce.